Massiv Metro Interview: How to claim from the RAF
Massiv Metro Interview: How to claim from the RAF
Massiv Metro Interview: How to claim from the RAF
They spoke about how RAFPay is helping RAF claimants with an upfront cash advance on their court orders.
Smile FM chatted to our CEO Elad Smadja about the RAF process.
Listen to our very own CEO, Elad Smadja on Power FM. RAF claimants are waiting up to 12 months for their payouts and that’s after years of waiting for a court date. Elad spoke about how RAFPay can help you receive a cash advance on your RAF claim once you have a court order or …
Power FM Interview: How to get an advance on your RAF claim Read More »
Taurus Capital joins APRAV in their celebration of the Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Transport’s decision to reject the proposed RABS bill. We support APRAV’s efforts to help rebuild the RAF into a sustainable, impactful entity and look forward to supporting the personal injury industry bodies, attorneys, claimants and other key stakeholders as these efforts are …
Good Hope FM interviews RAFPay CEO, Elad Smadja, on how their product is “ending the delay” for Road Accident Fund claimants awaiting their court order/settlement agreement pay-outs. Good Hope FM Interview: Good News for the Injured
Monday, 20 August 2020: South Africans expecting a Road Accident Fund (RAF) pay-out after receiving an approved court order, can wait up to one year before seeing any money. This is another excruciating delay after having typically waited between 2 to 5 years for the case to come to trial. Payments are delayed due to …
Anyone expecting a Road Accident Fund (RAF) pay-out after receiving an approved court order, can wait up to one year before seeing any money. This is another excruciating delay after having typically waited between 2 to 5 years for their case to come to trial. Payments are delayed due to inefficiencies and serious financial issues …
RAFpay 101 – Current status of the RAF and how this impacts you as a claimant Read More »
The Road Accident Fund provides personal injury and death compensation (where applicable) to those injured in motor vehicle accidents. However, the wheels of justice move slowly at the Road Accident Fund and personal injury claim payouts can take a long time to materialise. But there is a solution to speed up your RAF claim payout …
How long does it take to get road accident fund RAF payouts? Read More »
If you’re waiting for a settlement from the Road Accident Fund (RAF) to be paid out to you, you’re not alone. The bad news is that even once a claim has been settled against the RAF, it can take months before you’re paid the settlement amount. Road Accident Fund loans (also known as RAF bridging …